8:22 AM

Hosting Guests and Solving Mysteries

Angela and Jason are here!

They got in on Saturday evening, we hit the yacht club for dinner, then we came back here and had many, many drinks. No pictures? I don't know what we were thinking.

But then Sunday morning came! Ange and I woke up at 7AM, only to find the kitchen looking like this.

Neither of us had done it. We decided it was a mystery that must be solved.

We waited for the boys and the most likely cleaner, Dave, got up. He didn't do it.

Alright, fine, it was Jason. He woke up in the middle of the night and, for whatever reason, decided to do some cleaning.

Beach time! The boys added kayaking and we engaged in an embarrassing photo shoot.

Dave's feet:

The boys:

The girls:

Then: nacho time. I picked up a bunch of hot peppers at the grocery store since I couldn't find jalapenos. As I was preparing the other stuff, Ange cut the peppers. I was tossing them on the chips and then went to eat a tortilla. HOLY HOT FIRE.

My lips turned the colour of a clown's, my right eye turned to half the size (I look purty), and we let the flames begin. Angela also unfortunately encountered the fire and we both frantically ran around the place drinking milk. Dave could not stop laughing, and told us we had to get Jason to eat one.

Jason's reaction: "This little thing?" He pshawed. Pshawed and then had to eat half a litre of ice cream, as we'd finished up the milk. Our hands and legs and everything we touched stayed flamey 'til long after this point.

The rest of the day involved schoolwork, tennis, and lounging. No complaints.