9:22 PM

My Stomach Feels Empty

I don't know if it's the transitioning back to my proper time zone, but my stomach has felt seriously empty since I got in last night. Nothing will fill it.

As for the rest of me, it's amazing how a small change can point out so many inconsistencies in one's life. Funny, that.

I'll tell you, I sure wish I could've traded returning my sad self home with importing my much-adored husband over there.


Ms.Smarties said...

It's always a bit of an adjustment to go back to your "real life". It was so much of a shock last time that we decided to move across the continent. A little drastic, but that was enough to cure my "is that it?" feeling (for a while anyway).

By "is that it", I am referring to life in general. There's gotta be more to it, you know? How can it be just "it"? I better stop before I get to philosophical on you!

Foxy Renard said...

I totally hear you -- it does feel a lot like "Is this it?" Now I just have to convince the boy we need to do another location...

A proud granddaughter said...

I'm glad you made it home safely.

Paige said...

awww I hate end of travel blues. it IS always followed by feelings of "really, this? this is what i'm all about!?" sigh. why can't there be a way to fund perma-vacation life?