10:30 PM

I Have Lots of Bad Habits

I may be vain, but I am also all kinds of imperfect. It's okay, though, because I like to work on it.

(1) Not attributing actions/situations to people. It's a very, very bad and distressing habit and I need to get out of it, stat.

(2) Self-regulation. I used to be really good at this one, but in the last few years I have developed a tendency to VERY MUCH react to external factors. I need to chill the eff out, or at least keep it on the inside and process there before reacting. Ick.

(3) Tuning out. I am kind of impatient by nature and I notice that sometimes, when people start talking for a long time, rather than simply telling them that I'm busy, I instead tune out. I am trying to put my hands on my seat when people come into my office so this tactic isn't made all the easier by just stealthily staring at emails or documents I'm working on. So bad.

(4) And, as always -- I swear I've been working on it for a few months and am getting better at it, but still -- not interrupting people. It's again connected to the impatience.


takopoly said...

I didn't think you were an interrupter at ALL. Maybe that's because I am also an interrupter, and two interrupters cancel each other out.

takopoly said...

This is treava, by the way. Not sure why I'm showing up as "doctor".

Foxy Renard said...

Hah, it's a bad habit I picked up at work. I think maybe it's less so in social situations as I don't have to fight for air time to get myself heard?

Or your cancellation strategy could be right. Hah.