9:51 PM

(You) Are-Free (To Be Violated)

So last night marked Virgin's second anniversary in Canada and we enjoyed quite a night at their celebratory party. The party featured much freedom-theming, as WNP (wireless number portability) became available today.

Sir Richard Branson introduced the evening, after doing over thirty interviews since six that morning. The man is a PR machine, I've never seen anything like it. (Holy charisma.) He was surrounded by a multitude of cage dancers and prison-costumed event people, with (You) Are-Free pretty much everywhere. The event was actually fabulously put together, the food and drinks flowed all night, and Jen and I had a far better time than we'd anticipated.

One sexy caged English beast.

Gin and tonic spilled all over me in this shot, which means things were definitely fun.

Jen takes this job very seriously.

The pole dancers stole the show.

We insisted on doing a photo shoot with Ron Jeremy. Yes, that Ron Jeremy.

Body-painting -- Virgin certainly doesn't skimp on sauciness!

Oh, the fun times we'll have...

Jen and I go back for seconds.

Things go horribly wrong.

I swear to you, I did not initiate this! Note Jen's arm in the right fram, strategically escaping only moments after Mr. Jeremy said "I also sign cleavage!" (She clearly got that this wasn't a quirky comment from a vaguely creepy old guy.) Within three seconds, the man had pulled out a Sharpie and grabbed a boob. What proceeded was a lot of shrieky whispering: "Please be careful! Don't expose me! There's nipple in there... ummm!"

Oh, the horror. Strangers took photos.

Of course, I was redeemed a little later, when a few of the people who'd been in the crowd notified me that, after witnessing said event, they asked for signings as well. Yes, we'd inadvertently started a little trend.

Good lord. Sometimes I wonder what the hell I do for a living.


Anonymous said...

that is effin' classic! you officially are my heroine...

Ms.Smarties said...

I am shocked. :-O

You should rent Porn Star: The Legend of Ron Jeremy (2001). I hope he's nice because he is really, hmm, gross!

Raquel said...

Gah! Ron Jeremy!

Love it. :)

Unknown said...

That's awesome! Just effing awesome :D

Ruby Foo said...

I am still laughing over here. Buahah.

Christie said...

Oh god that's hilarious!!

Foxy Renard said...

I don't know if he's nice, but he was definitely creepy. Hah.

Lexy said...

OMG! I can't believe you got your boob signed by the hedgehog baw ha ha.