4:37 PM

An Outsider by Instinct

I'm just at my hotel in Florida getting ready for the evening and watching Oprah. Sidney Poitier just said that he's always been an outsider by instinct, which really struck me as interesting.

A girl on Hitched recently mentioned that she's always felt like an outsider and that always made her sad. I responded that I too have always felt outsiderly, but have always enjoyed that fact. Not a single part of me has ever wanted to be on the inside.

I wonder what causes this difference in people.

(Side note: How effing cool is Sidney Poitier? He's so lovely and eloquent and just captivating. Sigh.)


Andrea said...

I too have always felt an outsider. Still do. Before I turned 30, I struggled in vain to be on the so-called inside. Turning 30 has been so liberating mostly because I stopped the crazy striving. I'm happy being me. I'm the inside, dammit.


Jammer said...

Actually, I find most people are nutty, so I'm glad to be on the outside! The outside is nice--it's where the sane people are.