7:32 PM

I'm It

So the clever and always interesting Ms Smarties tagged me. This apparently means that I need to share five random facts about myself and tag five others.

1. I recently did a personality test in my negotiations class. Among my type-A classmates, I scored highest in forcing behaviour and lowest in agreeable behaviour. Yes, I am incredibly stubborn.

2. As a first year music major, I took calculus as an elective. I adore numbers.

3. I see the world in black and white. I have a very, very difficult time reconciling grey areas. I suspect that this makes me difficult to deal with.

4. More than anything, I like spending time alone and just being quiet. This is something that very few people in the world believe about me. Yes, I'm hard to get to know.

5. I generally don't get along particularly well with most people for any length of time. I am incredibly fickle, finicky, and have very few (but particularly spectacular) friends.

I will now tag:

Sioux City Sue
Jen But Never Jenn
Que Sarah Sarah
Definitely Not Martha
The Feisty Finagler

No backsies, no returnsies.


Jen said...

You are a bastard.

Ms.Smarties said...

Hehe too funny!