10:05 PM

I'm It Again

Treava tagged me!

If I've tagged you, here is the deal: (1) Link to your tagger and post these rules. (2) Share 7 facts about YOU: some random, some weird... all devastatingly interesting. (3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them). (4) Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

  1. My weirdest phobia is people putting ham on their faces. I think it reminds me of bizarro nightmares I used to have of people without facial features. AGH!
  2. I'm a closet introvert. In small groups, I'm highly outgoing, but in large groups I'm terribly unhappy. And I love, love, love being by myself.
  3. I have fantasies about being a spy 'til I think about the scary parts, thus am simply obsessed with spy-related movies and television.
  4. I prefer being an acquaintance to being a close friend with most people.
  5. I am a huge dilettante.
  6. I want to do a doctorate after my MBA, if at all possible, not to become a professor as I'd like to continue working, but simply to challenge the living daylights out of myself.
  7. Given my natural energy level, most people are surprised by the fact that I very rarely drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages.
I'll tag the following folks:
  1. Jen But Never Jenn
  2. Smarties
  3. It's a Monkey
  4. Letters to Sofie
  5. Mukodu
  6. Three Seven
  7. Paige Six


Ms.Smarties said...

"My weirdest phobia is people putting ham on their faces."

I am speechless. I wonder how one develops such phobia.

Bah. My brain is fried. I can't even come up with 7 facts about moi.

Melissa said...

Ah, well, I already did this one, so I'm taking myself off your list, lady!

Ms.Smarties said...

Facebook is cool... but I miss Le Blog!

Foxy Renard said...

Dammit, I know, updating is required. I am going to aim for weekly again!