9:58 PM

The Waiting Game

I am a woman obsessed.

We met a potential real estate agent on the weekend. She was cool and super nice and we instantly knew that she'd be a good match. She specializes in the area we're searching in, and the type of property we're seeking. In any case, she sends us a few properties to look at every day. We've seen some almost-exactly-right places thus far, but no match worth going to see since the weekend (Perfect But in a Totally Sketchy Neighbourhood).

In any case, even though we are still on the hunt, I feel like moving day is just around the corner. I've taken to this cleaning spree thing like a duck to water. In the last bunch of days, I've scrubbed, swept, pledged, mopped, cometed, decluttered, and re-organized like it was going out of style. I am just beyond psyched about getting the heck out of here and having a place. A place where I can do laundry every day if I want. A place where our equipment would be in closets or lockers instead of our living room. A place where the bedroom and the living room are separated by more than French doors. A place where the office has its own room. A place where the kitchen doesn't take over the bulk of the house. A place that's ours.

I'm on a countdown, man, and the waiting is going to put me out of my mind.


JL said...

The right place will come -- just take your time and don't be too anxious (coming from the girl who bought a house on Day 3 of her hunt).

Good luck!